How to write Article review

How to write ?Article review

Reviewing an article is summarizing, evaluating and offering  critical comment on the article’s idea and content. It provides description, analysis and interpretation that allow the readers to evaluate the article. Primary goal of an article review should be to read and understand the article, analyze the findings and arguments, and assess and comment on the article.

Before we get started there are a few things to think upon before we start reading the article. Firstly we should assess a title and focus on what to expect from the article from its title. The sub-headings must be studied to judge how the author has organized its contents. The author’s arguments should be taken note of. The references should be studied in order to know what research contributed to the author’s arguments.

Writing the article

  • Reading the article

Enough time must be given to understand it. You must have a clear overall idea about subject of the article.

Identify the research question, the hypothesis, the findings, and the test of the hypothesis and the interpretation of the findings

Highlight important ideas and make notes and read the article in depth.

  • Making notes about the following in your mind:
  • The intriguing information the article provides
  • The manner in which the author supports the hypothesis.
  • The main objective of the article
  • The intended audience of the article.
  • Whether the important terms are defined or not.
  • Whether the evidence and the argument is valid or not.
  • The accuracy and weaknesses of the methodology
  • The convincing power of the results and its comprehensiveness.
  • The Questions those remain unanswered.
  • Alternatives for interpreting the data.
  • Originality of the contributions
  • Whether the article relates to the course or not.
  • Suitability and the style of the writing of the author.
  • Whether the author is biased or not.
  • Preparing an outline

Review your notes and form a statement that reflects the main objective of your review. You should keep in mind the aurthor’s objectives and whether those objectives were successfully realized or not. Organize your points according to the structure, style and argument of the article. There must be a logical sequence for putting these ideas forward. The ideas must correspond to your central thesis.

Write a draft.

  • Introduction

Give the title of the article, author name and full citation of the article.

Identify the purpose of the article and state your thesis. Include information about the author’s reputation and authority in the field. Give an overall impression of the research question and explain its importance.

  • Body

State the arguments in support of the thesis. Follow the development of the ideas that you had outlined before. Write an analytical summary of the main findings, arguments and conclusions of the article you studied. Describe and discuss the strong points and weak points of the article and its usefulness. Discuss how the article proved to be useful to you. Support the assessment with quotations and examples from the article.

  • Conclusion

Summarize your analysis and make a final judgment of the article. State what the article taught you. Discuss how the research can be implied and also restate your thesis.

  • Revision

Grammar and punctuation errors should be taken care of. Organization, sequential and logical development is very important. Review your evidences that support your thesis. Errors in Quotations and references must be rectified.

At Writers Per Hour, we can assist you with your preparation and give useful handy tips on writing article reviews. We are a trusted agency that has been helping students across the world on many career issues and getting them to closer to their career goals. There are experienced writers that can help you out. Don’t hesitate to reach us. Sharing and teaching is an important part of the education.

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